Saturday, January 9, 2010

Food Lion Trip

Yes! It worked! The scenario I worked out earlier worked well, with a few minor changes. The prices were a bit different at my store; the beans were actually .50 instead of .69, the pot pies were .75 instead of .69, the potted meat was .45 instead of .33, milk was 3.09 instead of 3.49 and the sugar was 1.85 instead of 1.99. So, final OOP was $28.30 which worked out to .40 per item.

In the interest of full disclosure though, I paid $5.00 more than that figure because they were out of the Kraft cheese and I didn't have that catalina to use on the second transaction. Then my wonderfully smart husband suggested that I ask if they had any more in the back. Of course they did. So, after my three transactions, the cheese was rung up and I received my $5.00 cat which I will use on a future trip. That's why I'm figuring it as coming off my total above. If your store has the Kraft cheese on the shelf then you should be fine. Or don't be like me and wait until you're finished to ask!

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